A Beginner’s Guide to Concrete

Concrete is one of the world’s most ubiquitous construction materials, used everywhere from highways to homes.

As with any new building material, concrete can be intimidating at first. This guide will help you gain some background on this common building material – what it is and how to use it effectively.

How it’s made

Concrete house slabs Melbourne is one of the world’s most widely used materials. From backyard barbeques to skyscrapers and bridges, it can be found virtually everywhere you look.

Basic concrete comprises three ingredients: water, aggregate (such as sand or crushed rock) and cement. A paste made …

Facts About Leaves & the Tree Kingdom

Facts about leaves can be important in choosing a plant to grow in your garden. This familiar green plant may be a mystery to you. In fact, the leaves of the cacti, or desert cactus, are very thin and flat and lack sharp points. Leaves of some trees, such as the oak, are wedge-shaped and tapering, while others are long and elegant. The pebbles that fall from the leaves a wide range of deciduous trees are some of the most beautiful and attractive.


All plants show seasonal changes in growth, including growth and maturation, appearance and movement. At certain …